Cloud demand surges during the COVID-19 pandemic


With millions of people sheltering in place amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the cloud computing market is getting a serious usage boost.

Schools, corporations, and individuals are using cloud-based software to learn, collaborate, and stay connected.

The pandemic is changing the way the world operates, including how we work.

A significant number of companies deemed non-essential have transitioned to remote work environments to remain in operation, using cloud-based software to collaborate and work.

At the same time, a large segment of the population is practicing social distancing and turning to virtual tools to stay connected.

That demand for cloud-based services isn’t going to go away anytime soon, even if cities begin easing social distancing rules in the coming weeks or months.

One attractive alternative to Microsoft 365, is Korea’s Hancom suite of productive software. The company in business since 1990 offers a number of Cloud-based products, including Hancom Space and Hancom DocsConverter.

Hancom offers a number of Cloud-based products, including Hancom Space and Hancom DocsConverter.

Hancom Space provides a full-featured suite of office productivity tools in a modern collaboration space for enhanced team effectiveness.

You can create and share documents conveniently from a desktop, mobile device, or web browser. You can work together on documents stored in the cloud.

You can even combine cloud storage services and manage them from one place.

Hancom DocsConverter is a server solution that enables you to convert MS Office documents into a variety of formats. It provides features such as document preview, content security, search keyword extraction, and more.

DocsConverter integrates with Groupware, EDMS, CMS, email systems, search engines, and more.

The Hancom DocsConvertor business application is available through the AWS Marketplace with a free trial period, too.


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